

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Giants, Stargates, and The Future of Space Exploration - Coast To Coast AM January 4, 2016

Giants, Stargates, and The Future of Space Exploration - Coast To Coast AM January 4, 2016

In the first half, researcher and explorer Timothy Alberino (who collaborates with Steve Quayle on the documentary series, True Legends) talked about such topics as giants, 'forbidden history,' mysteries under Antarctic ice, transhumanism, Atlantis, and super soldiers. Recently, he, Quayle, and Tom Horn visited the Four Corners region in the Southwest and met with some Elders of the Pueblo Nation. They revealed that their Medicine Men regularly get together to open 'stargates' (dimensional doorways) in which information and non-human beings can come through. According to the Elders, before 9-11, the Medicine Men received a message about a plane crashing into a building on Long Island.

The Elders were reticent to speak about giants, he reported, but they did confirm their past existence in the United States, and that they knew where some of their bones were buried. Alberino reviewed the 2005 case of the AC-130 pilot in Afghanistan who allegedly found a dead giant, standing 12 ft. tall, and weighing around 1,000 lbs, and said they had received new corroborating data (the pilot first described the incident in this 2008 C2C show). Alberino believes that the giants could be the descendants of the Watchers who came down to Earth and mated with human women, as well as with animals to create various monstrosities, though most of these creatures were wiped out in the Great Flood.
In the latter half, science journalist and space historian Robert Zimmerman discussed the future of the US space program and how current events and technology will alter the way we approach space travel and exploration. He suspects that the Trump administration may make a proposal for some form of lunar mission for the SLS (NASA's Space Launch System) and Orion, though funds might not be available. The new administration could also consider a mission to Mars, but rather than funding NASA, they may look at private companies, and commercial efforts, he noted. While the US had the most space launches in 2016, the competition is heating up in 2017, with China increasing its ventures.
Zimmerman said that one of the most exciting new trends is the introduction of "re-usability"-- for example, SpaceX plans to reuse a first stage rocket in 2017, he detailed. The James Webb Space Telescope, scheduled to launch in 2018, is designed to use infrared to look at deep space cosmology and the origins of the universe, and could yield fascinating information. This year, the space probe Cassini will end its decades+ mission, as it crashes into Saturn, while sending back pictures during its demise. Zimmerman also enthused about the August 21st total solar eclipse which will cut a wide swath across the continental US, from Oregon to South Carolina.

  Jeannie's Thoughts:  What Do You Think?

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